Brief Bibliography on Charles James Fox
- The Correspondence Of George, Prince of Wales. 1770-1812. 5 vols./
Ed. By A.Aspinall. - L., 1963.
- The Correspondence of King George the Third from 1760 to December 1783: Printed from
the Royal Archives at
Windsor Castle. 6 vols. / Ed. by Sir J. Fortescue. - L.: Macmillan, 1927-28.
- Fox Ch. J. A history of the early part of the reign of James the Second. - London:
Printed for W. Miller, 1808.
- Fox Ch. J. A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James II / Ed. H.Morby. - L.; P.;
NY; Melbourne, 1888.
- Historic speeches. "The Penguin Book" serie/ Ed. by B. MacArthur. - L.: Penguin books, 1996.
- The Later Correspondence Of George III. 5 vols. / Ed. By A.Aspinall, - Cambridge: Univ.
Press, 1962-70.
- Brown Ph.A. The French Revolution in English History. - L.: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., 1965.
- Butterfield H. George III, Lord North, and the People. - L.: G.Bell, 1949.
- Cookson J.E. The Friends Of Peace: Anti-war Liberalism in England, 1793-1815. -
Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1982
- Christie I.R. Stress And Stability in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain. Reflections
on the British Avoidance of Revolution. The Ford Lectures
delivered in the University of Oxford, 1983-84. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984
- Christie I.R. Myth and Reality in Late-Eighteen-Century British Politics and Other
Papers. - L.: Macmillan, 1970
- Christie I.R. Wilkes, Wyvill And Reform: The Parliamentary Reform Movement in
British Politics 1760-1785. - L.: Macmillan, 1962.
- Derry John W. Charles James Fox. - London: Batsford, 1972.
- Derry J. W. Politics in the age of Fox, Pitt and Liverpool: continuity and
- Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990.
- Derry J.W. Reaction and Reform. 1793-1868. England in Early XIX century. - NY: Humanities
press, 1968.
- Derry J.W. The Regency Crisis and the Whigs.1788-1789. - Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1963.
- Dinwiddy J.R. Charles James Fox as historian // Historical Journal. - #12 (1969). -
P. 23-34.
- Drinkwater J. Charles James Fox. - London : Ernest Benn, 1928.
- Foord, Archibald S. - His Majesty's Opposition, 1714-1830. - Oxford : Clarendon
Press, 1964.
- Hammond J. L. Le Breton Charles James Fox, 1903.
- Hill B.W. British Parliamentary Parties, 1742-1832: From The Fall Of Walpole To the First
Reform Act. - L.: George Allen & Unwin, 1985.
- Mitchell, L. G. Charles James Fox and the Disintegration of the Whig Party, 1784-1794. -
Oxford: Oxford University press, 1971.
- Mitchell, L. G. Charles James Fox. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
- Mitchell A. The Whigs in Opposition, 1815-1830. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.
- Morris M. The British Monarchy and the French Revolution. - New Haven; L.: Yale Univ.
Press, 1998.
- Namier L.B. Additions And Corrections to Sir John Fortescue’s Edition Of the
Correspondence Of King George The Third. - Manchester, 1937.
- O’Gorman F. The Whig Party and the French Revolution. - L.: Macmillan, 1967.
- Pares R. King George III and the Politicians. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.
- Porrit A. and E. The Unreformed House Of Commons. 2 vols., 1903. Repr. - NY: Augustus
M. Kelly, 1963.
- Rae W. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. The Opposition under George the Third. - NY., 1874
- Reid L. Charles James Fox: a man for the people. - Harlow: Longmans, 1969.
- Russell E. The Life and Times of Charles James Fox. - L., 1866.
- Trevelyan G. O. The early history of Charles James Fox. - NY: Harper & Bros., 1880.